
Sunday, June 5, 2011

I Like My 'To Do' Lists!

I get excited when I have an entire list of projects for myself, and that is why I'm glad the house is all one color. Most of my list is painting every room but first I have to decide colors. Of course that will take a while so for now I'm just finishing one room and moving onto the next. Sort of. I want to make the house look nice for when we have friends and family stopping by.

I only work for a few hours this afternoon and into the evening so I have some time to do stuff this morning. I'm not 100% sure if I will actually get things done or just sit here like a lazy bump, but thats alright. I have tomorrow off too!

For our Master Bedroom I have to touch up a few spots that I noticed in the glow of the TV last night then paint the shelf I got for $3 at TJ Maxx and paint my $20 Target Mirror. Both of those have to be hung up and then we need something else for the walls in our room. I'd like to actually frame some of our wedding pictures but I'm afraid of making the walls look cluttered. We will see.

But my biggest thing right now is trying to figure out what I want to put in the guest bathroom.

It's really more beige than yellow in there. I know I need something for over the back of the toilet to make it look better but I don't know what to put there. I intend on framing out the giant square bathroom mirror but I don't know if I should hang some art or put a floating mirror or what. The colors are beiges and blues. And I am in love with that rug in front of the sink. I mentioned I liked it when Drew and I were at TJ Maxx the other day and he insisted on buying it. I said to put it back but he refused and just carried it around the store. Best $40 ever. My husband is so smart!


  1. I love your bathroom! I picture a white storage until or a photo above the toilet... floating shelves with knick knacks can get annoying to clean. Good luck, excited to see what you choose!

  2. Thank you! I am definately leaning away from knick knacks because I hate the idea of cleaning them all there and I have a horrible habit of dropping everything I like into the toilet. In our old house I lost 3 brand new tubes of mascara that way. Hopefully I can find a frame or some artwork that I really like!
