
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Molly & Drew Vs. Satin Paint

So, at 3 pm yesterday I decided I wanted to paint our bedroom. By 4:30 we had picked out paint, I'd gone to Lowes (we don't have a Home Depot around here and Lowes does do a 10% military discount! Yea!), chatted with the paint lady, been convinced to go with a satin over an eggshell finish because you can magic eraser the heck out of a satin finish and she says it will be okay (so in other words, satin finish is Atlas approved), picked up some rollers, drop cloths, painters tape (yes I went with the blue), stopped at Target to get us some painting beverages (Yuengling for him Mikes Hard Lemondade for me!), come home, discovered that Drew had never painted before, and slapped on two coats of paint. I'd say thats pretty good. Thats kind of a lot. So at 4:30 I got myself a drink and stood there analyzing the paint strokes in the sunlight.

And getting grumpy.

Paint lady at Lowes method didn't work for me the first time, but I figured I would let it dry and see if the strokes were a bit less noticeable. Instead I taped off most of the rest of the room while watching 'The Little Couple' on TLC. The only thing that isn't taped are the parts behind the dresser and the bed which I plan on taping out when Drew gets home from work. There is not chance I'll finish the painting today but maybe Friday (which I also have off of work) or Saturday I'm home by 4:30. Plenty of time!

We decided to paint it
Which on here looks khaki or yellow, on the can looks light green and in our room looks a bit more aqua. Though that may be the reflection from the sheets or the curtains. Regardless that is what is going on our walls and I'm happy for the time being. Less warm tones and more cool tones in our house is EXACTLY what I want. But knowing me I will be changing it probably as soon as I change out our window treatments because it probably won't work with the new ones.

I haven't taken any pictures of the room as it looks now but I will be sure to get around to putting some of those up later this afternoon. Wish me luck!


  1. In my experience, magic erasers are terrible on satin finishes, but perfect on an eggshell.

  2. I'm actually kind of excited to hear that! Because I was about to paint over the satin with eggshell, I cannot stand the look and its still a bit streaky. Thank you!
